Rheingold: "Habermas? Non ha capito Internet"

Sembra che Habermas abbia fatto veramente arrabbiare Howard Rheingold rifiutandosi nel corso di una lezione a Stanford di rispondere ad una sua domanda sullo stato della sfera pubblica dopo, per usare le parole dell’autore di Virtual Community, il tramonto dell’era dei media broadcast e l’arrivo dei media many-to-many che consentono a così tante persone di usare Internet come un mezzo di espressione politica.
La storia è raccontata dallo stesso Rheingold in questo post pubblicato oggi sul blog Smart Mobs nel quale si legge fra l’altro che…

The lecture was abstruse analytical philosophy
He rather inelegantly said that he wouldn’t answer that, and I should perhaps refer to the recent book of interviews with Rorty.
I think he has invalidated himself. Abstruse philosophical and obscure academic feuds are more important than the future of democracy? He proved to me by his actions that philosophy is rendering itself irrelevant. He was the last bastion for those who feel that philosophy speaks to the real problems of the modern world.
What I wish Habermas had said, since he clearly does not understand a phenomenon that is central to the applicability of his theory in the 21st century, is “I leave that work to younger scholars, who can build contemporary theories on the foundations of my earlier work about the role of the public sphere in an infosphere dominated by mass media.”

Se Habermas avesse capito Internet risponderebbe a Rheingold dal suo blog.
Peccato che non ne abbia uno.

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